Jane's House of Well-Being

Connect with Compassion
with Linda

April 30 (Tuesday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Garden Studio (First Floor)

Connect with Compassion is a weekly prcatice of Compassionate Communication, based on principles developed by Marshall Rosenberg.  Our practice group is for every Compassionate Communication practitioner, regardless of prior experience.  If you are new, come learn and practice skills that will bring your communication to life.  If you are experienced, deepen your own practice and share your experience with others.

We continue our weely practice with the book The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck, as our text for study and practice.  We will cover this book together, one chapter each week.  Although it is ideal to study each chapter in sequence, you are free to participate as and when you can.

$15 Drop-in or use your Class Card


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